The NinthThe Ninth

A triumphant performance of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the London Symphonia at Metropolitan United Church tonight! The very talented students and faculty of the Don Wright Faculty of Music - Western University were wonderfully represented in our faculty soloists Bethany Horst, Sophie Louise Roland Luti, alum Bud Roach, Giles Tomkins, the London Symphonia fellows, and our instrumental faculty. Live music is alive and well in London - and the enthusiastic response of the overflowing crowd was a testament to the power of live music to enrich and transform the human condition and experience. A huge shout to our massed choirs (Amabile Choirs of London, The London Singers and the H.B. Beal Secondary School Singers) and their directors, what a choral sound! Purple and Proud, bravi tutti!!

Dean Michael Kim, Don Wright Faculty of Music, Western University


James and the GiantsJames and the Giants

What a magnificent performance! We are so fortunate and grateful to have such brilliant musicians in our City. Jerry Pribil, Ward 5 Councillor, City of London


Love in the Age of MelancholyLove in the Age of Melancholy

The concert was wonderful - Julie Boulianne has a fantastic voice which served the music well. And the Schubert, well, that symphony is always a thrill to hear - energy, melody, complexity - you name it - everything is there. And speaking of energy, Tania Miller has it in abundance, occasionally lifting off the podium!!!
Renée Silberman, Serenata Music

The concert was absolutely wonderful! The Berlioz was particularly brilliant and I was spellbound in spite of having heard it many times. The placing of the microphones was excellent and the recording crisp and at the same time full of warmth. Julie Boulianne's beautiful rendition of Les nuits d'eté and the relatively small orchestra seemed to me a perfect match - I could talk about that performance for hours!
John Albers

Beneath a Summer SkyBeneath a Summer Sky

I really enjoyed the London Symphonia rehearsal last week. Matthias Maute was dynamic and communicated well and the string playing was brilliant.
Peter Lyndall Whitby 

It was AWESOME!! I can't wait till the next one.
Terry Meyer, KKP

My sister and I have been watching the livestreamed concerts. Beneath a Summer Sky was the best ever! The orchestra sounded excellent and we enjoyed the program. 

We Are All OneWe Are All One

There were many thoughts going through my head before the concert, like, was I going to like it and are they going to be good? Every expectation got blown away. It was fantastic and I enjoyed it very much. This was my first time ever going to an orchestra and listening to the beautiful music first hand and it was a very cool experience. Not only was the music interesting but the whole church presence made it very cool as well. This was the first time the orchestra played in the new-built  church, so it meant a lot to the musicians who were up on that stage. Not only did it mean a lot to the people playing, but it also meant a lot to the city of London. I felt that it made the connection between the musicians and the audience stronger.
Amirmohammad, Student, Listening to Music course at Western

This was the first time I attended a live symphony, and I must say I didn’t expect to enjoy it as much as I did. London Symphonia’s performance was very ear and eye catching, but it wasn’t the only eye-catching thing in the Metropolitan United Church. The architecture and lighting of the church was also impressive. I’ve planned to keep an eye on the London Symphonia’s website and their schedule and attempt to attend different events and push friends and family to attend as well.
Anonymous, Student, Listening to Music course at Western