Welcome to Metropolitan United, London’s new performance space jewel.
The major renovations to Metropolitan United, completed in fall 2022, are a tremendous gift to London Symphonia musicians and lovers of orchestral music alike. Enhancements to the sanctuary included a new stage that provides warmer, more reverberant sound and improved lighting to transform your concert going experience.
View Time Lapse Photos of the Transformation
Metropolitan United Renovation Wins London Heritage Award
We’re thrilled that the Metropolitan United Church renovation project won the 2023 London Heritage Award in the Adaptive Re-Use Category! The Heritage Awards are presented annually by Architectural Conservancy Ontario - London Region and the Heritage London Foundation.
Every time London Symphonia performs here we appreciate the vision and commitment of the Metropolitan United congregation and management, and the tremendous support of the renovation campaign donors and funders whose generosity and quick response enabled the project to move ahead in record time. We can’t say thank you enough!
“We are profoundly grateful to the Metropolitan United congregation for their vision and commitment to the transformation of this historically significant venue and to the many donors and funders who made this dream a reality.Thank you!
The renovation of Metropolitan United is a wonderful example of what can happen when two organizations collaborate.”
– Moira Stewart, President, London Symphonia